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Car Loans
Before applying for the loan, you should first know that interest rate and other conditions will depend a lot on your credit history. Take a copy of your credit report from the entire three credit rating agency and make sure that the report is without any errors and all your payment facts are correctly mentioned in it. Know your credit score also.
You must keep this fact in mind that you will get these loans at lower rate of interest if your credit history is unblemished and you have a good credit score. Lenders will charge interest at higher rate in case you have a blemished record of making payments in the past.
However, a low rate can also be ensured on taking these loans against your home or any property of good value. Or, the car you are going to buy can also be used as collateral. Lenders keep the car deal papers as collateral and let you drive it till you finally repay the loan. The secured loan is best suited also for bad credit history people.
Car loans come in unsecured options as well, without collateral. But only smaller amount is usually approved. For covering risks, lenders charge interest at higher rate. Both secured and unsecured loans are of shorter duration of up to 5-7 years.
Lenders want the borrowers to make down payment, which is lenders’ way of making the loan safer. So, if you make a sizable down payment, the loan approval comes without hurdles from the lenders. One can say that bad credit history people can ensure the loan on making good amount of down payment.
Prefer online lenders as they offer car loans at competitive rates. Their additional fees are also fewer as compared to banks or financial institutions. Ensure repaying the loan in time for escaping any debts.
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The break down of insurance

Vehicles have long been a staple in the lives of most men and women today. Thanks to advancements in technology, many vehicles have become part playground, office, and even bedroom. There is not much that you cannot do from the driver's seat anymore.
The family car is more than a tool for just work and play; it is entrusted with the lives of you and your family on a daily basis. It can also be a status symbol for all of your past and present accomplishments in life. Cars really are more iatrical than some people would think. It only makes sense that you would have an auto insurance policy to protect this very important investment.
FYI About Auto Insurance
What exactly is auto insurance? It is more than just an added expense and piece of paper stuffed in your glove box. You even begin to wonder how needed it even is. Think of your auto insurance policy as a shield and a back-up generator all in one; it can keep you safe from the possible and unforeseen accident and/or mishap.
Auto insurance may not be able to prevent that other driver from careening in you or the lamp post from jumping into the middle of the road during a rain storm, but that little piece of paper can shelter you and your family from unnecessary harassment and further turmoil during a time when you may not be at your fighting best.
You have made the decision to obtain auto insurance for your vehicle. Do you know what is included in your policy? It is good to know what basic points of coverage your
company should be offering you:1) Bodily injury liability covers any injuries you (and anyone listed on your policy) cause to someone else.
2) Personal injury protection takes care of medical expenses incurred if you or your family is inured in an accident. This can also pay lost wages, and even funeral expenses.
3) Property damage liability covers any damages you may cause in an accident.
4) Collision pays for any damage to your vehicle in an accident.
5) Comprehensive coverage is optional in many states; this pays for any damage that is not caused by another vehicle. Earthquakes, flooding, theft, riots, run-ins with animals, and falling objects are usually included.
6) Uninsured motorist coverage keeps you safe in the even the other driver is not insured, or you are involved in a hit-and-run accident.
Olivia Olson, performing "All I Want for Christmas".
Bill Nighy as Billy Mack perfoming "Christmas Is All Around", ex-"Love Is All Around".
PS: A tip to hear the You Tube video without delay. Let's play one time and on the replay, it will all be fine.
Car Insurance - do you really understand ?
With thousands of insurance companies to choose from, each using unfamiliar terminology, finding car insurance can be quite a daunting task for a new driver.
Without guidance, searching for car insurance quotes and finding the right policy can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help simplify the process of understanding car insurances.
Different Types of Policies
When you apply for car insurance you will be faced with the following policy options:
Third Party
This is the minimum amount of cover that insurance companies can offer you. It only covers damage costs if you injure someone else or their property in a motoring accident. Any damages or injuries sustained to yourself or your vehicle will be down to you to pay for.
Third Party Fire and Theft
This is the minimum amount of cover that some companies will offer. You will be protected if you injure or damage someone else’s property. It also covers your own vehicle if it is stolen or burnt. What it won’t cover you for is the cost of your vehicle if it’s involved in an accident or is vandalized. This type of insurance is most appropriate when you have a vehicle that is of low value.
This is the most expensive form of insurance but it covers you for almost every eventuality. What it covers can vary depending on insurer but most fully comprehensive insurance will cover you for accidental damage to your own vehicle, injury to someone else, damage to their vehicle and damage to your vehicle from fire and theft. Some policies will cover you for items that are stolen from your vehicle and also medical expenses if you are injured.
When applying for your for car insurance you will be asked to agree on an excess fee. This means that if you are involved in an accident that is your fault, then you will be required to pay the first £100 - £500 of the claim. . If you are trying to reduce your policy then you can pay a higher excess, but in the event of an accident that is your fault, you will be required to pay this amount when you make the claim. It is important to note that with some insurers you may be required to pay a young drivers excess if you are under 25 years of age.
No claims Bonus
This is the number of years that you have had car insurance without making a claim. The more years you have the better, as this proves to the insurance company that you are of low risk, which will lead to a reduction in the amount you have to pay. If you do happen to make a claim, which is proven to be your fault, then you can lose you no claims bonus. If you have a number of years built up then your insurance company can offer you protection on those years, so you don’t lose them in event of an accident that is your fault.

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AMAZING VIDEO: I bet you all will enjoy so much this creative video animation by Marc-Henri Wajnberg about the beautiful Comtemporary Art Museum in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.
Car insurance, the best protection for a car
The only difference being that people in earlier times were not able to buy this because it was fairly expensive for middle class where as in present times, thanks to the mushrooming of several financial institutions, anyone can purchase these gorgeous machines. However, if the car undergoes any damage then one can be rest assured that one might be forced to shell out a fortune for everything in today's world comes with a fairly high price tag. This can be quite a handful for a man with average income who would now be forced to pay on two different fronts - one on repayment of loans and other on the repair of the car. It is here that car insurance UK comes to the rescue of people and ensures that they are spared from shelling out an exorbitant amount by arranging for the repair of the car.
Needless to say what a relief such a service like car insurance UK can be for people. However, one must understand that car insurance can only be helpful when people actually take care of a few things. Firstly they must ensure that their vehicle is priced fairly, then they also should see that the policy comes to life as soon as it is signed. Also needed to be taken care of is the fact that no wrong information is given to the insurance company as also that a thorough check is done to ensure that all the information put in the agreement is correct and to one's satisfaction.
These efforts would ensure that car insurance UK goes a long way in helping people out in such a desperate time when their car has faced a major damage and need a thorough over hauling.
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Veja este incrível vídeo sobre o Lobo-Guará!
These photos were taken by my husband, last Sunday, at 11:00 am, when we was going to a village near our house for pick up the newspaper. Suddenly I saw a creature that I thought at first sight it was a calf. But only when we come closer my husband said: –“Não é um bezerro, é um LOBO-GUARÁ!” (in Portuguese). "It's not a calf, it's a MANED WOLF!” I was amazed, enchanted to see for the first time free at nature and also so closer, this amazing species Near Threatened. He looked tired and scared. Many trucks and cars were running very fast and I was afraid and concerned for your security and life! Carlos got out of the car quickly and he only got the chance to shoot few photos. The quality of those photos were not so good as they should have been....but he did the best he can do! And I am so glad he did!
The Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) is the largest Canid of South America. It is called Lobo-Guará ("Guará Wolf") in Portuguese. The common name, ‘maned wolf', is derived from the characteristic mane-like strip of black fur running from the back of the head to the shoulders, which stands erect when danger is sensed. The fur is shaggy and golden-red in color; it has a long, pointed muzzle and large, erect ears. It’s extremely long, thin legs are black and make the maned wolf immediately recognizable. It’s throat, inside of the ears and tip of the tail are white. The adult animal stands almost 1 m (3 ft) tall at the shoulder, and weighs 20 to 25 kg. (50 to 55 lb). Although their range in known to extend from NE Brazil, south through Paraguay and west into Peru, it is not known how many Maned Wolves survive in the wild. In Brazil this species is found in the Cerrado, a large area of open woodland and savannah that is one of the world's most important 'hot-spots' for biodiversity.
Shy and nocturnal: Contrary to popular belief maned wolves aren't generally fearless predators, but are rather shy, they are wary of man and do not attack unless provoked. The maned wolf hunts at night, with activity peaks at dusk and dawn, and rests during the day in areas of thick bush cover. Maned wolves are primarily nocturnal and have crepuscular activity peaks. The diet consists of a wide variety of fruits and small mammals, such as armadillos and rabbits, but also includes occasional birds, reptiles, insects, fish and arthropods. The wolf's main source of food is the tomato-like lobeira fruit, (Solanum lycocarpum) which provide medicinal aid against the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyme renale.
Solitary and monogamous: Unlike other wolves that live in cooperative breeding packs, the maned wolf is primarily solitary. Maned wolves are monogamous, though males and females tend to live independently except during the breeding season. Captive individuals have lived up to 15 years
Near Threatened: Maned Wolf is classified as Near Threatened. At present it is not known how many maned wolves remain in the wild. Threats to their survival include hunting and habitat loss. As its habitat is encroached upon by ever-expanding farms, the wolf is forced into increased proximity with people, exacerbating the already-existing conflict. In addition maned wolves are often killed on highways. Domestic dogs also pose a threat by transferring diseases, competing for food, and even killing the maned wolf.
O Lobo-Guará (nome científico Chrysocyon brachyurus) é o maior mamífero canídeo nativo da América do Sul. Apesar do nome, ele não é um lobo, mas uma espécie distinta adaptada ao Cerrado. A sua distribuição geográfica estende-se pela América do Sul e no Brasil nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro-oeste. O Lobo-Guará mede até cerca de 1 metro no ombro e pesa entre 20 e 25 kg, tendo entre 1,45 e 1,90 m de comprimento total e 80 cm de altura do chão à cernelha. Suas orelhas são grandes e ele tem pernas longas. Sua pelagem característica é avermelhada por todo o corpo, exceto no pescoço, pernas e patas que são negras, e a ponta da cauda que é branca.
Solitário, noturno e monógamo: Ao contrário dos lobos, esta espécie não forma alcatéias e tem hábitos solitários, juntando-se apenas em casais durante a época de reprodução. A reprodução se dá uma vez por ano, sendo que em cada cria nascem de 1 a 6 filhotes. É um animal tímido e dificilmente se aproxima do ser humano. É mais ativo ao entardecer e à noite. O Lobo-Guará caça preferencialmente de noite e ataca pequenos mamíferos roedores e aves. Na sua dieta eles necessitam alimentar-se de um fruto da planta lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum), que serve como um vermífugo natural contra a parasitose renal provocada por um nematóide. Na ausência desse fruto, o animal morre de complicações renais. Ele é também um importante dispersor de sementes. Sua longevidade é de cerca de 15 anos em cativeiro. Saiba mais sobre o Lobo-Guará visitando o site da Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo.
You can read more about the Maned Wolf (Lobo-Guará) HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and AQUI, AQUI e AQUI.
FORD ! car, auto parts !

Dearborn automaker Ford is in the middle of its turnaround plan after it has seen its share in the United States auto market slide. Part of its turnaround plan is to develop green vehicles which consumers are asking for. Another step taken by Ford to attract more consumers is teaming up with Nuance Communications, one of the leaders in speech and imaging solutions. This partnership is geared towards making Ford vehicles safer and more user-friendly.
With Nuance's technology, consumers will be less at risk of being distracted when using Ford car's phone, as well as navigation and entertainment systems. With drivers always tinkering with different in-car systems, there is a bigger chance of being distracted and getting into an accident. With Nuance, this can be cut down to a minimum as the company provides text to speech technologies, and speech recognition.
According to the automaker, these technologies developed by Nuance will be available to European car buyers from December this year. The Ford C-MAX and the Ford Focus will become the first Ford vehicles to receive this cutting edge feature. The Ford Mondeo, Ford Galaxy, and the Ford S-Max will also be equipped with said feature.

Joachim Creutzburg, the Marketing Director Original Equipment from Blaupunkt, a subsidiary of Bosch which helped Ford develop the Human Machine Interface said: "We recognize the importance of speech technology to make telematics, navigation and infotainment solutions safer and easier to control. Not only do we offer our automotive customers the most advanced speech enabled solutions, our portable navigation solutions in the aftermarket also allow destination entry and control by voice."
With the technology developed by Blaupunkt and powered by Nuance, consumers can simply say the address of their destination and the navigation system will readily read out all information needed by the driver. Other navigational system requires drivers to type in the address of their destination which can distract the driver while driving. Another new feature for Ford vehicles is the one push phone call. By pushing the "push to talk" button on the steering wheel and saying the number or the name of the phonebook entry, the system will dial the number.
Steve Chambers, the president for Mobile and Consumer Services Division at Nuance, said: "Nuance has a long history of working with Ford. Now with the advanced speech technology in the Blaupunkt navigation solution, we are able to offer drivers a safer alternative to the drivers' distraction created by the use of navigation systems in cars. With the voice user interface, powered by Nuance Automotive, drivers no longer need to take their eyes off the road or their hands from the wheel to dial their phone, enter an address to the navigation system or control their audio system."
This feature in the future will not only be available for Ford vehicles as other automakers are sure to follow suit. Luxury vehicles like Acuras with Acura body parts can be expected to have this feature soon.
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