Bauhinea variegata (cow’s paw )
Stapelia gigantea (Carrion Flower)
Little Daisy
Red Ibiscus
Red Ibiscus and Bauhinea variegata (cow’s paw) I made this same post at January 22, 2006 and I had many comments. So I want to share with you again this post. .......
I learn how to scanning flowers seeing the beautiful works of Katinka Matson, an amazing artist of New York. On her site, she talks about her artistic's process: "I have experimented with a non-photographic technique for creating images by utilizing input through the flatbed CCD scanner. No camera or lenses are used. The process involves scanning flowers and other natural objects on an open-top scanner from underneath the objects with a slo-moving sensor. This technique allows for unusual opportunities to explore new ideas involving light, time, and rhythm”.
How scanning flowers: First of all you put the flower over the scanner's glass. The flower must be face down. Next you arrange the flower as you like it. Then cover the flower gently with a black fabric, very dense, (all the scanner's superficies). Don't shut the scanner's cover, if you did that, you will crumple the flowers. Then turn on the scanner. Next you must save the photo in some file you choose. The interesting in this process is the unexpected. We don't know exactly how the flower's image will show up. It's an amazing surprise!
Como escanear flores: Em primeiro lugar coloque as flores ou folhas sobre o vidro do scanner, viradas para baixo. Arranje as flores como quiser. Agora cubra com cuidado as flores com um tecido escuro e grosso (eu usei veludo preto). Não feche a tampa do scanner para não amassar as flores. Ligue o scanner e escaneie as flores. Salve a foto numa pasta. O interessante deste processo é o inesperado. Você não sabe bem como será o resultado. Mas certamente você terá uma incrível surpresa!
Photos and scanning flowers by Sonia A. Mascaro
See those flowers "live" before I scanned them on Only Photos
Click on photos to enlarge and click on green links to go to other page