El Poder de la Palabra ( The Power of the Word) is a Website dedicated to poetic prose, where you will find fragments of 2724 literary texts, as well as the biographies and images of its authors.... You can see also works of art, images of architecture and classic and film music. There are 1816 writers, 752 composers, 423 painters, 342 film directors and 222 architects.
I am enchanted and I am glad to discover this precious website and I want to share it with you all, even if this site is written in Spanish. You can use to translate it Babel Fish or Google Translate.
As example you can hear these music:
Banda sonora de la semana - Soundtrack of the week
El Gatopardo, 1963 - composer Nino Rota
Original title: Il Gattopardo (The Leopard)
Director: Luchino Visconti
You can hear the music here
Compositor de la semana - Composer of the week
David Raksin - (USA, 1912-2004)
You can hear the music here
David Raksin - (USA, 1912-2004)
You can hear the music here
I hope you enjoy this site as I did!