Engine Configuration
Cylinders: 8
Displacement 5000.00 cc | 305.1 cu in. | 5 L.
Valves 32 valves.
Valvetrain: DOHC
Horsepower: 600.00 BHP (441.6 KW)
HP to Weight Ratio: 4.0 LB / HP (Vehicles with similar ratio)
HP / Liter: 120.0 BHP / Liter
Fuel Type: Gasoline - Petrol
Fuel Feed: Fuel Injected
Gears: 6
Seating Capacity: 2
Doors: 2
Length: 169.001 in | 4292.6 mm.
Width: 78.601 in | 1996.5 mm.
Height: 44.101 in | 1120.2 mm.
Wheelbase: 104.701 in | 2659.4 mm.
Suspension: Double wishbones, anti-roll bar, gas-hydraulic shock absorbers