Named after the Mother on the Walton's TV show.
HORSEPOWER: 100 @ 3200 R.P.M. FIRING ORDER: 1-6-2-5-8-3-7-4

For all of you that don’t know me let me introduce myself.
I’m Schelley Brown and I love old cars.
I have a special attraction to the ones with the p
I have loved old cars since I was a kid. My first car in 1975 was a 51 Pontiac Chieftain, bought f

Today kids have it made. I don’t see many kids out pulling their car home anymore. No
I now have a twelve year old niece that I have passed the love of old things to. She likes old cars,

Notice the cake this was my 16th birthday cake!
“Daddy Let Me Drive”
Do you remember the car that your learned how to drive in? Times have changed! I can remember my daddy letting me drive to Brownies in his old work car, a ’62 Plymouth named Ms. Pretty (she didn’t live up to her name). I don’t remember the model, but, I do remember that it was pale blue with push-button shift on the dash and not much on take off. Daddy would sit in the middle and I would drive to Lakeview Methodist where we had Brownie meetings. I was the only 2nd grader that got

She gave me some money and let me walk next door and get an ICEE. We only had one ICEE machine in town back then. It was the hot spot in town, especially during the summer. That store was in the building where they keep the voting machines now. That was the end of driving her car. Until I was a legal driver anyway!
I graduated on to an old 60’s Ford truck with “three on the tree” as they used to say. I didn’t know how to drive a standard the day my Daddy told me I could drive his truck. That didn’t stop me. It had wheels, gas and it was Friday night. I got in it and we jumped all the way to the end of the street to the Dixie Cream. For the first few days that was as far as I would go. I didn’t want to risk catching a light, especially the red light by the library or the one coming back the other direction by the Chamber Office. I didn’t do hills very well, especially if a car was right behind me. I could only take off if I had someone else with me, to hold their foot on the brake while I let off on the clutch. I sat through more than a few red lights and made quite a few people mad while I just sat there frozen with fear. I’m glad I finally learned how to drive a standard. Sports cars wouldn’t be as much fun if they all came with automatic transmissions.
Today you would be surprised at how many people can’t drive a vehicle with a standard transmission. Nobody wants to learn. I’m glad I did because I have a lot of funny memories about trying. Going to the Sonic was a challenge in itself. Senior Day at Minden High I got a Chevy Vega stuck at the Sonic because I couldn’t get it in reverse! But I still remember how funny it was and how everyone left me because they couldn’t drive a standard either!
Alan Jackson’s song “Drive” reminds me of how much driving means to you; especially when you are too young to be driving! So the next time your kids ask you to let them drive, remember they got’ ta learn sometime. Make it fun and with someone they care about. It may be something they’ll write about later! It’s something you always remember no matter how old you are or how bad or good a driver you think you are. Make a memory and a smile!!
email me at iluvoldcars@yahoo.com.
Tell your mama-n-em I said hello and ya’ll come see me real soon!
Cars, Car Clubs and most of all life-long friends!
I have loved cars since before I was able to drive them. My first car was a 1951 Pontiac Chieftain. I later would be fortunate enough to be able to purchase a 1937 Buick Special, 1958 Cadillac and a 1928 Ford Model A Roadster. All of these are great cars but one of

As with most antique and classic car owners we eventually join a car club. This again acquaints all of us with a unique group of people with one common interest the love of old iron. The first club I joined was the Mid-America Old Time Automobile Association (MOTAA) this national car club’s headquarters is located at the Museum of Automobiles on the top of Petit Jean Mountain in Arkansas. I wanted to join this club because when I was a kid my parents had taken me to the car museum and this was where the first spark was ignited that later would turn into a full-fledged fire in my heart for old cars and antiques. I was honored in 2005
The second club I joined was the Ark-La-Tex Antique and Classic Car Association in Shreveport, La.
I think when folks join a club they think, ok I’ll go to some meetings drive my car some and that will be about it. It can turn in to a way of life and life-long friends. The first folks I meet and became close to are my friends Ray and Linda Shaw the proud owners of an Model A Ford. Ray and Linda took me under their wing and Ray made sure that I had a trailer and anything else I needed to get to my first car show on Petit Jean Mountain. Ray later helped me purchase a 1928 Ford Roadster that he worked on and got it running and ready all for no charge. Ray is a Model A whiz and the greatest when it comes to wanting to help. He is what being in a car club is all about. People helping people and sharing their knowledge on a particular car with others is why most folks want to join a club.
Going to that first car show was a thrill for me. As I drove thru the judging stand with the Buick I had such an overwhelming feeling of finally making it! To top it off I had a group of friends from the AACCA cheering me on. I also had Mr. Wayne Chance the man that sold me my first car the 1951 Pontiac when I was in high school watching.
The 37 would later go to Senior Car status which I was so proud of. The man that I bought her from Mr. John R. Young from Eunice, Louisiana said he felt like a proud Grandpa. This man has become another friend. He owns 1937 and 1938 Buicks and introduced me to the 1937-1938 Buick Club of America. I would later be honored by this California based club when I was asked if they could publish a story that I had written about my Buick. That meant Olivia and I would be internationally known. This club has many members world-wide and is growing everyday.
Then in 2003 I was asked to serve as vice-president and later stepped into the presidency position of the AACCA until 2006. These last three years I have met so many folks and been involved in so many things from watching a one of a kind car the Bour-Davis come close to completion to creating my own car show the Minden Cruisin’ For a Cure for St. Jude car show in Minden, La.
From car shows to overnight trips and weekend getaways all of these car folks have banded together to form a tight knit family of sorts. We care about each other and when one of us is sick or our car is sick we care. We try to help and sometimes all we can do is just be there for someone. But the important thing is that we all have a common love and that gives us a little bit of happiness. I believe all car club members would agree nothing gives you a since of belonging than when you are going down the road and ahead of you is maybe a 1963 red Corvette with a good friend behind the wheel and when you look in your rearview mirror you see a

If you aren’t a member of a car club look on the internet for a club close to you are give me a call or contact me at iluvoldcars@yahoo.com I’ll try to help you out on the right club for you. You will be making a life changing decision when you join a club! It can turn into a lot more than just a Sunday meeting and a drive or two! Until next time be safe and keep it between the ditches.