The recent car business is focusing more on style and speed, whereas, a car that can go 120 mph is being used in an area where it is mostly running at a moderate speed of around 60-70 mph and is waiting in traffic. In this situation, ATNMBL, a brilliantly designed concept car, can be an alternative that has been designed aiming to redefine the term ‘performance’.
This concept has been driven from the need for zero-pollution, efficient and affordable cars for the future community and enjoying the freedom of a ride. The ATNMBL is designed as a self-driving car with artificial intelligence which arrive to you with just a phone call. The standing-height entrance has an electric sliding glass door and upon entering, you will be asked for your desired destination. The comprehensive and innovative voice recognition system of this vehicle along with a touch screen remote and slide up display, it can offer a wide range of tour planning, detailed performance setting and enjoyable ride sharing.

A considerable amount of typical car space is blocked with the engine and drive train, while, the mechanical components of ATNMBL are simplified and densely packed, providing more interior space. Each wheel contains electric motors which provide all-wheel drive. The power storing mechanism is located beneath the floor; moreover, alternative solar energy can be obtained from the roof-top solar panels. The front and rear end contains an array of tail lights, headlights and sensors.