This year the event was hosted by the MG Car club who aimed to have 100 vehicles on display I think they made about 60. Many clubs had displays there not all were entered in the special judging class for best vehicles, which I believe was slightly modified to take in account the drizzly weather during the early morning.
Our club has not gone for a few years which is probably why we were given a spot right at the end of the show next to the fence where the Car Fair is usually held on Sundays, this was completely hidden by a row of trees. The officials came along several times during the day and apologized and said they will do better if we go next year.

During the day a few people came to look at the cars and we have one prospective member in Hamilton with a Cx who took a magazine and a subscription form. Martin and Roy were talking to us over the fence and Delia and Paul came along in the afternoon, Paul managed to lock his keys in his vehicle in the car park but the AA opened it up for him.
I walked around about 5 times looking for a vehicle I saw come in on a trailer from Hawera which appeared to have a Prefect badge on the back. It was a van but I could not find it, I think it had gone it was a very distinctive colour of bright yellow and green. The show was closing down at 4.30 as we made our way out, in the light drizzle which had started falling again, most of the day had been fine.