Photos taken by my son Fernando from the window of the Penha Convent, in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo State, Brazil.
Penha Convent is a convent located in Vila Velha, Brazil, on the top of a high mountain overlooking the cities of Vitória and Vila Velha. Founded in approximately 1558 by Pedro Palácios, today it is home to Espírito Santos's Patron Saint. Vitória is the capital of the State of Espírito Santo. It is located on a small island within a bay where a few rivers meet the sea. It was founded in 1551. Vitória is one of the three island capitals of Brazilian states, the others being Florianópolis and São Luís, and is located in the South-eastern region, the most developed of Brazil.
O convento de Nossa Senhora da Penha é um dos santuários mais antigos do Brasil, fundado por Frei Pedro Palácios, no ano de 1558, na cidade de Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. Do convento avista-se a cidade de Vitória e Vila Velha. Vitória é a capital do Espírito Santo e uma das três ilhas-capitais do Brasil (as outras são Florianópolis e São Luís).
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