The place where I spend much of my time writing, reading and blogging!
I saw a while ago on some blog, the amazing idea about everyone posting a photo on their blog with the same subject matter. In my opinion one of the best ways to get to know someone is to look at their bookshelves. Indeed, the books on my shelves tell a lot of stories about me. So, the subject matter I would like to propose to you all is: .
1. I invite you all to visit Gená Franco, from Entretantos... and see her bookshelves and her workplace. Thank you Gená for participate! ...............
4. I invite you all to see the bookshelves and many books all over the house of Freefalling. I want to thanks to Freefalling, a new friend from Melbourne, for her participation! ..............
5. You must come to see the bookshelves in the office of Geraldo, from 21st Century Grandpa and also the books in his sons' bedrooms. Thanks Geraldo, for your participation!
6. You will enjoy the visit to PJ, another blog’s friend from Golden Oasis . She shows her books and bookshelves spread all around her house and also told us stories about them. Thanks PJ for joining us!
7. I invite you all to see the bookshelves and books spread all over the house and the atelier of the Brazilian painter and sculptor Eduardo Penteado Lunardelli, from the blog Varal de Idéias. You can see also his photos, art's objects, Cds and memories treasures. For the abroad people, Eduardo add a translator's tool you see at the right sidebar. Thanks Eduardo for joining us!
8. One more person in love with books! You must come to visite Belinha, from Palavras Cruzadas . She shows her bookshelves and tells us about her preferences in literature. Thanks Belinha, for your participation!
9. Another friend in love with books show his bookshelf! Valter Ferraz, from Perplexoinside tells us that his books are all around the house. He promises to post more photos. Valter has also a blog only about literature. Worth to visit Rodadas Literárias. Thanks Valter for joining us! ..............
10. If you enjoy books, you must to visit Beader Girl Jewels blog and appreciate her very tidy bookshelves. Her bookshelves are all around the house and she has catalogued all them with her very own system adapted to her special space. You can see the antique pictures of her mother, of her siblings and remembrance of her childhood. Thanks Beader Girl, for participate!
11. You need to go visit Patricia’s library! You will enjoy the photos of her bookshelves that holds a lot of books about books, cartoons, arts, publishing, writings and many books of her own hand-made books. Patricia is cartoonist, illustrator and has a blog about books, named BookLust. Thanks Patricia for joining us!
Some quotes I like:
"The greatest gift is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives you the knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. It is a moral illumination." - Elizabeth Hardwick , US writer (1916 - )
"Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered." W. H. Auden - US (English-born) critic & poet (1907 - 1973)
"The surest way to spot a non-reader: someone who comes into your house, looks at your books, and asks, 'Have you read all these?'" - Nick Hornby, English writer (1957 - )
"Books have the same enemies as people: fire, humidity, animals, weather, and their own content. " - Paul Valery - French critic & poet (1871 - 1945)
"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book." - Groucho Marx - US comedian with Marx Brothers (1890 - 1977)
"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention." - Sir Francis Bacon - English author, courtier, & philosopher (1561 - 1626)
“If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it” - Toni Morrison - American Writer, Teacher and Editor. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved; won Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993, b.1931. (1931 - )
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.” - William Styron - American Writer and Novelist - Confessions of Nat Turner b.1925.(1925-2006)
PS: If you want to participate, post a bookshelf photo on your blog and please, send me your link.
Photos by Sonia A. Mascaro