Gisela, what an amazing surprise! Thank you so much for your kindness! I am very honored and grateful that you have nominating me for Thinking Bloggers Award!
Now I must pass it on to 5 others blogs. It was not easy nominating only 5 blogs … so many wonderful blogs I love and enjoy to visit often! Believe me, I spent all day long to come up with 5 nominations for the Thinking Bloggers Award. You just can look at my links on the side bar and you can figure how difficult this task was! I truly enjoy ALL of my links. YOU ALL have many things I love and enjoy, many issues interesting and intelligent to read about. So I am nominating the following 5 blogs I visit quite often (in no particular order), but I really would like to choose many more blogs for this Award...
Addenda: Here in Brazil we say that to choose someone in some contest is to dress a "saia justa", (tight skirt), that means a really difficult task. So, I really must to say that in such contest maybe someone is going to feel left out but with this nominating I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I truly enjoy ALL of my links. I LOVE YOU ALL and YOU ALL have something enjoyable, interesting and intelligent to read about.
1) HERE IN THE HILLS - Location: Los Angeles, California, USA. I love to visit Naomi’s blog everyday. Here in the Hills was one of the first blog I visited when I was new to the blogosphere. Her blog is very beautiful, intelligent and touchy. Naomi is a great composer, lyricist, singer, painter and she also writes plays. Her photos are always beautiful and Naomi shares with us her amazing memories and stories, wonderful photos of her lovely family and friends, her adorable kitty named Sweetie and her amazing cactus garden.
2) IMAGINE WHAT I’M LEAVING OUT – Location: North Carolina, USA. Judy, aka Kenju, had another great blog, JUSTASKJUDY, now deactivated, but you can enjoy it's archives. I enjoy so much to visit Judy’s blog. Judy is a talented florist and she has a wonderful taste for flowers and arrangements. Her photos are just beautiful, too. Judy's blog is very witty, funny and also touchy. Her creativity never ceases to amaze me!
3) GOLDEN OASIS - Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. I love to visit PJ’s Golden Oasis. Her blog was also one of the first blog I was introduced. PJ is a talented knitter and she has a great taste for colors and shapes. PJ shares with us her beautiful photos, focusing her lovely family, her creative knitting, her adorable Golden Retriever named Nugget and also the wonderful photos of her former city, San Diego. Now I am looking forward to see the photos of her current city, Colorado Springs.
4) VARAL DE IDÉIAS - (Clothesline of Ideas) - Location: Imbituba, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Eduardo Penteado Lunardelli is a very talented and well known Brazilian’s painter, sculptor and drawing artist. Eduardo lives in a beautiful home studio named Piacaba. Even if you could not to read and understand the Portuguese language, I am sure you can appreciate and enjoy his wonderful paintings and sculptures. I love to visit Varal de Idéias every morning and reading his witty and up to date issues.
SUSIE’S SPACE - Location: California, USA. Her motto is “Sharing What I've Done and Always Mindful of the Blessings in My Life....” It has been a pleasure visiting Susie’s blog. Her blog is very inspiring and Susie shares with us her lovely and touchy memories. Susie has many thoughts and feelings to share about being a wife, a grandmother and about her life. Susie also shares wonderful photos of her family, her charming home and garden, her city and amazing voyages. .....................
Now all of you nominated, - if you want to participate in this contest, of course, - have to copy the Award button to your post and sidebar, choose 5 blogs and post them on your blog. Congratulations my friends! I truly can say that I found many nice and lovely friends on blogosphere and I am enchanted with this delightful community of blog’s friends!